Fun Fact: Dragon fruit is native to Thailand, but is now readily available throughout North America (grown in Mexico and South America). I picked mine up at my local Asian market H Mart in Plano, TX.
If you like tropical cocktails, I recommend including coconut milk; whereas if you're more of a classic martini drinker, you may prefer it without. CHEERS!

For this concoction, you will need the following ingredients:
- 1 ripe dragon fruit - should be soft enough to indent skin slightly with your thumb
- 1/3 cup vodka
- 1 Tbsp. freshly-squeezed lime juice
- 2 to 3 Tbsp. white sugar, to taste
- 2-3 ice cubes
- 1/4 cup coconut milk (may be omitted)
- Garnishes: dragon fruit wedge, slice of lime or star fruit
- Prepare your dragon fruit by scooping out all of the flesh
- Place dragon fruit flesh in blender or food processor. Add all other ingredients and blitz 20 to 30 seconds on high speed.
- Taste-test for desired strength and sweetness, adding more vodka if not strong enough (but don't get Crazy!), or more sugar if you'd prefer it sweeter (note that the sweetness will also depend on the ripeness of your dragon fruit - the riper, the sweeter it will taste). If too sweet for your taste, add another squeeze of lime juice. If too strong for your liking, add more coconut milk.
- Pour out into martini glasses and garnish with your choice of garnishes.
Remember to Rage Responsibly.
*This is just a great recipe that I tried out recently and wanted to share! For the original recipe and cocktail master, check out Darlene Schmidt, the Thai Food Expert here.
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